Episode 26 – From Wall Street to Waffle House

Guest: James Adams, Chief Investment Officer at Lighthouse Wealth Management

In this episode, David WarrenCo-Founder and Chairman of Bridgeford Trust Company – sits down with guest, James “Jimmy” AdamsChief Investment Officer at Lighthouse Wealth Management and author of “Waffle Street: The Confession and Rehabilitation of a Financier.”

After the market collapse in the Global Financial Crisis, Jimmy decided to go “back to basics” and wait tables at a Waffle House in 2009, immersing himself in economic history during his off hours. The resulting memoir, Waffle Street, was published the following year and later adapted into a feature film that received numerous awards, including Best Feature at the 2015 Hollywood Film Festival, and became a hit on Netflix.

Join us for a fascinating discussion that delves into the history and impetus for the market collapse of 2008, and Jimmy’s thoughts around his and other financial professionals’ roles working in the industry at the time. The conversation turns to why Jimmy wrote Waffle Street, lessons learned from the near total collapse of the U.S. financial market, and how these experiences have shaped his evolution as a financial professional and perception of the U.S. and global financial services industry.

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Bridgeford Trust Company’s Podcast Series was developed to educate, challenge, and inspire listeners.

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