lDavid Warren, President and CEO of Bridgeford Trust Company, will be presenting at McKonly & Asbury’s Alumni and Friends CPE/CLE networking event on Wednesday, November 5. The presentation, entitled  “Modern Trust Laws: Are Irrevocable Trusts Really Irrevocable?”, will exam innovative modern trust laws such as directed trusts, trust protectors, and decanting and the vital importance of selecting the proper trust jurisdiction in the wealth planning process. The event will feature a time of networking and presentations followed by a reception with CPAs, attorneys, and business leaders from around the region.  This event will offer two free CLE credits.

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Trustee - SquareBridgeford Trust Company will partner with McKonly & Asbury as a featured guest on their upcoming November webinar entitled “Not Your Grandfather’s Corporate Trustee: Modern Trust Laws and the Resurgence of the Corporate Trustee”.  The webinar will take place on Tuesday, November 18, 2014.

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untitledDavid Warren, President and CEO of Bridgeford Trust Company, is teaming up with the regional CPA firm of McKonly & Asbury and Aaron Jackson, a shareholder with the law firm of Buchanan Ingersoll & Rooney, to present a timely and informational seminar for National Business Institute called “An Accountant’s Guide to Grantor Trusts.” The program will provide 6.5 CLE credits for attorneys and 8 CPE credits for accountants and will cover important and quickly evolving topics such as: The Use of Alternative Trust Jurisdictions in the Wealth Planning Process, Asset Protection Trusts, and Grantor Trust Tax Reporting.

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selectingBridgeford Trust Company sponsored and presented at McKonly & Asbury’s very successful Collaborate 2014 Conference on May 21 at the Hershey Lodge. This second annual conference focused on timely and relevant business, planning, and tax issues facing business owners and leaders from across the Central PA region.

David Warren, President and CEO of Bridgeford Trust Company, co-presented with Dan Matarrese, CPA and Tax Senior Manager with McKonly & Asbury, a very informative session entitled “A Comprehensive Look at the Wealth Transfer, Protection, and Enhancement Benefits of a South Dakota Trust”. Read more

Sale2-300x168Bridgeford Trust Company partnered with McKonly & Asbury as a featured guest on their recent webinar entitled “How to Sell Your Business, Part 2: Issues to Consider During and After the Close”.

This webinar was originally produced on June 18, 2014 and was hosted by Kurt Trimarchi with McKonly & Asbury along with featured guests Bob McCormack and Katie Smarilli from Murphy McCormack Capital Advisors and David Warren from Bridgeford Trust Company. This webinar addressed the three keys to success during the selling and post closing process: Calculation, Control, and Communication. Read more

The chart below, produced by Bridgeford Trust Company, presents a very clear comparison of important factors that should be considered when comparing South Dakota, Delaware, and Pennsylvania as a potential trust jurisdiction. These factors are particularly important for planners to consider when determining the most robust dynasty trust state, the most compelling asset protection statute and privacy provisions, as well as the state with the most advantageous tax treatment for clients. The chart again accentuates the vital importance of considering alternative trust jurisdictions in the wealth and trust planning process to ensure that clients are availing themselves of the most progressive trust laws in the country. 

Click on the image below to view the chart in a larger, PDF format.

Trust Jurisdiction (SD, DE, PA)

For more information about the importance of considering alternative trust jurisdictions in the planning process and the power of South Dakota law, please feel free to contact us via our contact page.


Collaborate-2014---blog-iconBridgeford Trust Company is proud to be sponsoring McKonly & Asbury’s upcoming Collaborate 2014 Conference! This second annual conference showcases a variety of topics and speakers, including group sessions and breakout sessions for you to choose from, and it will take place on Wednesday, May 21 at the Hershey Lodge.

The conference features a keynote address you won’t want to miss focused on the state of the economy and tax legislation. This address will be delivered by alliantgroup’s experts, Dean Zerbe, former Senior Tax Counsel to the U.S. Senate Finance Committee, and Mark Everson, former IRS Commissioner. Read more

trustsestatesTrust & Estates Magazine again names South Dakota as a top tier trust jurisdiction! Annually, Trust & Estates Magazine evaluates trust jurisdictions utilizing an objective approach that considers the following factors: 1) whether a state has a Rule Against Perpetuities; 2) whether a state has income, inheritance, or premium taxes;  3) whether the state has adopted “modern trust laws” such as decanting provisions, directed trust capability, and privacy options; 4) whether a state has an asset protection statute and the effectiveness of the statute; 5) and the effect of migration on the rights of beneficial interest. Read more

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  1. Nulla consequat massa quis enim.
  2. Donec pede justo, fringilla vel, aliquet nec, vulputate eget, arcu.
  3. In enim justo, rhoncus ut, imperdiet a, venenatis vitae, justo.

Nullam dictum felis eu pede mollis pretium. Integer tincidunt. Cras dapibus. Vivamus elementum semper nisi. Aenean vulputate eleifend tellus. Aenean leo ligula, porttitor eu, consequat vitae, eleifend ac, enim. Aliquam lorem ante, dapibus in, viverra quis, feugiat a, tellus.

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Cover-you-Assets-smallBridgeford Trust Company was proud to have the opportunity to partner with McKonly & Asbury, LLP as a featured guest on their recent webinar entitled “Cover Your Assets: Asset Protection Trusts and the Vital Importance of Trust Jurisdiction” on January 23, 2014.

During this webinar, special guest David Warren (President and CEO with Bridgeford Trust Company) sat down with Reed Horanburg (Senior Consultant with McKonly & Asbury) for a discussion on asset protection trusts. This very informative webinar considered asset protection in the context of trust planning, how to best utilize asset protection trusts, and examine the importance of selecting the proper trust jurisdiction for optimal protection and flexibility. Read more